Tuesday, May 05, 2009

There's piranhas, and then there's....

The pics below came from an e-mail that was forwarded by a friend of mine. I didn't know piranhas got that big!

Funny thing is, I had jokingly told someone that that piranha is now what's for dinner. He asked if piranhas are edible by humans. I told him that I honestly had no idea. A quick Google search shows that it is. How do you catch piranha, though? Perhaps roll up your sleeve and stick your arm in the Amazon river until some of the piranhas bite, then take your arm out of the water? That's when someone would walk up and say, "You know, you could use this..." and show me a fishing rod. Yeah, I could go the wimpy route...

1 comment:

Bougie Applebum said...

Okay that is officially scary. And eating Pirhanha for dinner, eh no thanks. Imagine the looks at the table when you answer the question on why type of fish will be served. :-)