Thursday, April 06, 2006

Holy Week fasting challenge

It appears that I was right about re-introducing my Holy Week Challenge idea to people I know online and in person. I brought it up a couple of weeks back, but that might have been too soon. Now, however, I have had some who have taken up my challenge. One is going to do a complete fast on Good Friday and Holy Saturday and wait until after Easter Mass on Sunday before he eats again. His fast will be WATER ONLY for that time. I told him to be sure to monitor himself during that time. I know that it’s not a fast that I could do.

Another person is going to “fast” from her computer from the Monday after Palm Sunday through Good Friday. No e-mail, no Internet surfing. Nothing. As addicted as we are nowadays to our computers nowadays, I accepted that as a worthy challenge. I just wonder what her e-mail inbox is going to look like on Saturday!

If I have more people who accept my challenge, I shall post it here. Next week I shall also update on how I’m doing on my own fast.

Stay tuned!

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