Thursday, November 02, 2006

Editorial statement for November 2006

I'm gonna come out and say it: I believe that human life is superior to animal life.

Don't get me wrong: I don't believe that animals should be abused or tortured, but when it comes to protecting their rights vs. protecting the rights of humans, I will go with humans EVERY SINGLE TIME.

I had decided upon this largely because of PETA's lack of an official stand on the issue of legalized abortion. You might be saying "Abortion?? What does legalized abortion have to do with this?" Here's the situation: PETA believes that basically, we are all animals - including humans. From this line of thinking, then, animals should have the same rights as humans. Some PETA folk go so far as to not only abstain from meat, but also eggs.

Okay, now keep up with me here. Eating eggs is a no-no because eggs are also our animal friends, just smaller and younger. So in other words, PETA would have a serious problem if I went around stomping on the eggs of various birds with golf shoes (which I wouldn't do, because I don't want egg stuff all over my shoes). Theoretically, then, if harming bird eggs is bad, then harming human eggs is also bad, right?

Because if we're all animals, and harming animal eggs is bad, them harming human eggs is also bad, because humans are animals (according to PETA), and harming animal eggs is bad. Yeah, I know that I just repeated myself, but that's because I want to emphasize PETA's view that we are all just animals and that harming animal eggs is bad.

So you see what I'm saying here? Because PETA is against the harming of animal life right down to their eggs, then they should be gung-ho members of the prolife movement! They should also be on our side in regards to the usage of embryos for stem cell research. So why isn't PETA officially a prolife movement? That's what I don't understand.

Understand this, folks, that some animal rights activists are indeed against legalized abortion for the reasons that I listed above. And I commend those folks for seeing that logic. However, I fail to understand why the entire PETA organization isn't also against legalized abortion. By not having an official position on the issue, they are trying to make it look like they are trying to see both sides of the issue, but based on the argument above, what other viewpoint would there be for them to see? If I have any prolife vegans reading this, I bet that you are nodding your head in agreement. :-)

If PETA would come out as prolife in an official capacity, then that would make their animal rights arguments and concern for life on earth that much stronger. However, their saying that all humans are animals, but that human eggs aren't worthy of the same level of protection of animal eggs is a logical contradiction that completely destroys their credibility.

Let me offer PETA a deal: If they will come out as prolife in an official capacity, then I will become a vegetarian. I know that I am in no danger of having to live up to this deal, because PETA won't change, but if they ever did, then I will honor it. Someone in the room who is reading my entry as I type this is laughing out loud at my saying that I'll become a vegetarian. In truth, it is funny. But I am serious - both that PETA won't do it, and that if they did, I'll then become a vegetarian.

But I won't respect the animal rights point of view so long as animal rights activists aren't out-and-out as against legalized abortion as they are against animal cruelty. And bottom line folks, from the PETA point of view, what is legalized abortion except animal cruelty to unborn human animals?

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